Woman with head in hands


You can improve your effectiveness and avoid burnout

Over six million people in this country suffer from uncontrollable fear that causes them to be anxiety-ridden and to have what is known as a “stressful personality.” This type of personality may be expressed in a variety of behavior patterns that may become so restrictive that they ruin a person's life.

Symptoms may include a gnawing fear that something terrible is about to happen, a sudden wave of panic with rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, breaking out in a cold sweat, and a feeling of impending death. These attacks can be triggered by large crowded places such as theaters, supermarkets, restaurants, or churches and are accompanied by an overwhelming need to get out.

Treatment for Stress and Anxiety problems are usually completed in 12-20 visits at Applied Behavioral Health Care. Sessions are generally scheduled weekly and last approximately one to two hours. The second session consists of teaching hypnosis and determining how we can best work together. The next three or four sessions may well be diagnostic, helping to pinpoint the origin of the stressful personality, remove the negative thoughts, and replace them with positive thought patterns.

The second visit consists of teaching hypnosis and determining how we can best work together. The next three or four sessions may well be diagnostic, helping to pinpoint the origin of the stressful personality, remove the negative thoughts, and replace them with positive thought patterns. The remainder of the visits are used for rehabilitation and reinforcement that create a pattern of positive thinking. All patients are taught self-hypnosis so that a relaxed state can be achieved at will. All treatment is strictly confidential.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety Enters Into our Lives

Powerless to battle, the response turns to the alternative of flight, which in present-day life can prove impossible. Often a state of apathy, depression, and/or hyper-suggestibility ensues. Negative input finds acceptance. Futility and melancholy develop and an overreaction to the senses develops together with a loss of tolerance. The road turns downhill.

The Magic of Meditation
Enhanced by Medical Hypnoanalysis

Meditation and self-hypnosis, as taught by a Medical hypnoanalyst have a certain synergism. Meditation has been described as a process of freeing the mind of its normal clutter to allow creative or supportive thoughts and visualization to flow in. A person trained and skilled in self-hypnosis can use such abilities to add power to meditation.

Relax: Learn to let go!
Refresh Yourself with Self-Hypnosis

Preventive and restrictive emotions-anxiety, fear, depression, grief, anger, hate and other negatives-can be overcome by the person willing to meet the four basic requirements for success: Desire, Belief, Expectation and Demand. Self-hypnosis can provide the nurturing to enable these requirements to advance to the power levels necessary for fulfillment. There are four elements in achieving a preplanned state of self-hypnosis. They can be learned by study or through instruction. They are: Fixation- which clears the mind and prepares it for the work ahead; Relaxation: which diverts the conscious mind and enables the unconscious mind [far more powerful) to provide or absorb information; Suggestion: which implants the instructions into the unconscious mind; and Visualization: which is the power source for change, development, modification 01 whatever is necessary to fulfill achievement of the individual goals.

Fear and Stress can Lead to Phobias

Stress victims ask these questions quite frequently. Many factors enter into the picture of possibilities. Overachievers, typical Type A personalities, are hyper-competitive. They can be obsessed with stress. They can take pleasure in it until it gets out of control. Sufferers can learn stress early in life from parents, teachers, relations, and others. In the path of early experience, they merely think about stress as a customary part of life; they witness it all the time.

Stress management Medical Hypnoanalysis is powerfully effective. Causes can be revealed. In cases where stress-causing situations cannot be changed, Medical Hypnoanalysis can modify perceptions to make possible tolerable living conditions. It works!

Woman meditating

Fears and Phobias

Medical Hypnoanalysis Can Set You Free!

One of the most common reasons people visit a Medical Hypnoanalyst is to overcome fears or phobias. Fears are a natural part of life. Everyone fears something such as being robbed, or being hurt in an accident. This type of fear is not necessarily bad; as it may prompt someone to take precautions, such as locking doors or wearing safety belts.

Most fears develop during childhood, but fears can develop during adulthood. Some fears that develop in adulthood are caused by chemical imbalances such as a hypoglycemic reaction, but many are the results of repressed memories. One indication of whether fear is physical or psychological is the duration of the reaction. Psychological reactions are usually triggered by anticipation and become less intense once the anticipated event begins. Physical reactions tend to become more intense once the event begins.

Fears often emanate from apprehension of impending danger. Fear of loss of control is primitive, but also common, especially in phobia cases. Fear of fear itself can be debilitating. Hypnotic suggestions can replace catastrophic thoughts with truthful facts explaining existing problems. Exposing the causes can diminish anxieties and alleviate symptoms, relieving distress.

Once a sense of control is established, repeatedly confronting the fear through Medical Hypnoanalysis quickly reduces, and soon eliminates the fear.

Woman fearful of getting shot from doctor

Afraid of Physicians?

Medical Hypnoanalysis can help alleviate your fears!

Innumerable people let major and even life-threatening injury to happen in their bodies merely because of irrational fears of visits to physicians or dentists. Such fears come from false convictions that these visits will entail pain. Some people take the potentially lethal fear that an appointment will generate terrible news, living under the absurd notion that “what you don't know won't hurt you.”

It is not likely even to calculate approximately the number of people who have died purely because, while they knew something was in the wrong, they did not wish for the facts confirmed by a physician. Scores of even the most severe disorders can be halted or cured by early detection, acknowledgment, and treatment. Eliminating the fears of medical attention can produce cures, cut expenses, speed healing, eradicate needless apprehensions, diminish family difficulty and reduce any disruption of earnings.

Medical Hypnoanalysis is the means of choice for achieving the state of mind indispensable to bring about the diminution or riddance of incapacitating fears.

Woman fearful of dentist, hands over mouth

Fear of Dentists?

You Can Relax with Medical Hypnoanalysis

Fear of a dental appointment is nearly instinctive. Children have heard tales of excruciating pain suffered (and embellished) by other children. Stories and comic strips have featured dental offices as chambers of horrors. Some parents have even threatened children with dental appointments as punishment-“If you don't brush your teeth you'll have to go to the dentist!” Dentists appear constantly to get a bum rap. Until now no one seemed to focus on the reality that the supreme expenditure, and the maximum pain if any occurs at all, more often than not results from not going to a dentist.

Preventive dentistry exists and for those who put it into practice, the payback is inestimable. But many people, children, and adults, plainly don't buy the idea. They see only the mentally visualized “chamber of horrors.” Fears of dentists are among the comparatively frequent phobias seen by Medical Hypnoanalysts.

Ever-increasing numbers of dentists are using hypnosis for pain management in place of or in addition to local anesthesia. Extractions and dental surgery under such circumstances are becoming more utilized, with payback to dentists and patients alike. Numerous dentists also are using individual instruction and skills in hypnosis to help patients relax and develop into a more comfortable state of being ahead of any dental work and to offer post-hypnotic suggestions which can make upcoming visits liberated from fear and even agreeably anticipated. Some dentists even have Medical Hypnoanalysts make office visits to assist.

These measures, nevertheless, are achievable only with the patients who, frightened or not, come to the dental office. For those whose fears are such that they in no way come within reach of the door, Medical Hypnoanalysis offers the hope of removing or reducing the apprehensions and prejudices, achieving relaxation and positive mental attitudes, and understanding the benefits of dental care and risks of avoiding it. Hypnosis can motivate me the visit. This is an area for the Medical Hypnoanalyst.

Dental Hypnoanesthesiology
Guided by Bill Ronan

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Hypnotherapy for PTSD

There are many types of treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Traditional treatment can help you feel more in control of your emotions and result in fewer symptoms, but the individual will probably still have some bad memories. Medical Hypnoanalysis Therapy for PTSD

  1. Cognitive therapy in which you learn to change thoughts about the trauma that is not true or that cause you stress
  2. Exposure therapy is in which you talk about the traumatic event over and over, in a safe place, until you have less fear.
  3. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in which you focus on distractions like hand movements and sounds while talking about the traumatic event.

Medical Hypnoanalytic therapy combines Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Therapy by the utilization of the imagination, while in the hypnotic state, guided by the clinician, resolving the thoughts and reflexive symptoms by utilizing the emotional energies that went into them as a major factor in resolving them. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be viewed as an extremely traumatic experience as if a huge Pavlovian bell rang setting in motion the reflexive symptoms of the disorder. If these emotions are not taken into consideration the treatment is much more like to remain, to varying degrees, as academic.

solder sitting on couch